I became involved with the Weimaraner breed in 1992
when I purchased JAZZ - Britfeld Love That Jazz from Britfeld Kennels. Little did I know what fun and challenges
she would lead me on to.
At JAZZ'S first show she took out BABY PUPPY IN GROUP and
I have enjoyed showing ever since, handling JAZZ and others now, to their Australian title and many other show successes.
In 1998 I was joined by NOVA from Yland Kennels who went
onto great show success gaining her Australian Championship in 2000. Nova's first litter arrived in January 2001 from which
I kept TYLA and SHADO (who is owned in partnership with D & R Marx). SHADO gained his Australian Championship with ease by
13mths of age and became my first homebred Champion. TYLA became a mum in 2003 and her daughter COCO is also an Australian
Champion now.
Our newest addition is KAEDE from Yland Kennels who joined us early 2007 and gained her title in 2008.
I don't only enjoy Weimaraners, I have many other interests which include
travel, music, painting and housing design.
I am a TAFE lecturer of Building Design and Technology with a career background in Architectural Drafting.

Lee Petering |
I am a member of the
Victorian Canine Association
and several Weimaraner & dog Clubs ...
The Weimaraner Club of NSW,
and the Victorian Gundog Club Inc.